D'Où Viens-Tu, Bergère?
Where have you been, shepherdess?
This is a version of a traditional French Christmas carol that can be recited as a poem.
It portrays the return of a shepherdess to her village after she has visited the Baby Jesus in the stable in Bethlehem. The villagers are asking her lots of questions!
(une question)
-D'où viens-tu, bergère, d'où viens-tu?
From where do you come, shepherdess, from where do you come?
(la réponse)
-Je viens de l'étable, de m'y promener.
I come from the stable, from walking there.
J'ai vu un miracle ce soir arriver.
I saw a miracle arrive this evening.
(une question)
- Qu'as-tu vu, bergère, qu'as-tu vu?
What did you see, shepherdess, what did you see?
(la réponse)
-J'ai vu la crèche, un petit enfant
I saw the crib, a little child
Sur la paille fraîche, et tout rayonnant.
On the fresh hay, and all radiant.
(une question)
- Qu'as-tu vu, bergère, qu'as-tu vu?
What did you see, shepherdess, what did you see?
(la réponse)
-Un bœuf et un âne étaient par devant,
An ox and a donkey were at the front,
Avec leur haleine réchauffaient l'enfant.
With their breath they were keeping the child warm.
(une question)
- Rien de plus, bergère, rien de plus?
Anything else, shepherdess, anything else?
(la réponse)
-Et puis j'ai vu Pierre qui tout en jouant
And then I saw Peter who whilst playing
Avec sa musette endormait l'enfant.
His musette was making the child sleep.
(une question)
- Qu'as-tu vu, bergère, qu'as-tu vu?
What did you see, shepherdess, what did you see?
(la réponse)
-Il y avait des anges descendus du ciel
There were some angels descended from the sky
Chantant les louanges du Père Éternel
Singing the praises of the Eternel Father.