La Bruschetta al Pomodoro
Tomato Bruschetta
1 Garlic Clove
Cherry Tomatoes
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Table Salt
1 Spicchio d'Aglio
Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva
Sale Fino
Passo 1 Step 1
Prepariamo una bruschetta!
Let's prepare a bruschetta!
Lightly toast or grill il pane - the bread - and spread it out on a serving dish.
Drizzle a little olio di oliva - olive oil - over the top.
Passo 2 Step 2
Dice i pomodorini.
Finely chop l'aglio - the garlic.
Roughly chop il basilico - the basil.
Mix all gli ingredienti - the ingredients - in a bowl with the olive oil and il sale - salt.
Evenly distribute the mixture on top of le fette di pane - the bread slices.
Quanti colori belli! What a lot of lovely colours!
Passo 3 Step 3
La bruschetta è pronta da mangiare!
The bruschetta is ready to eat!
I Consigli di Melissa
Melissa's Advice
You can use any bread you like to make bruschetta. Here I use il pane pugliese (bread from the Italian region of Puglia) by Crosta & Mollica. It keeps a chewy centre when lightly toasted and is perfect for le bruschette.
I add one clove of garlic but you can omit this if you prefer or add more if you like the strong flavour.